
The more we share, the more we learn


Thanks for being here :)

Hi! I'm Stefano and I was a student in biomedical engineering few years ago. On July 2011 I decided to create this website, to have an important support for studying for all the biomedical students. Since then, I devoted many efforts to build this website up and develop it, gathering notes, books, audio and support for all the subjects of our School.

In this way, all the students can have free access to interesting and useful materials to better understand all the aspects of each class, besides having the same amount of information as any other student and a solid foundations to study.

I created this platform and I do this entirely on a voluntary basis as I strongly believe in this project, however - since our community is increasing day by day, more storage space is needed to host audio tracks, more books and notes for every subject. To have a better website, always updated and more powerful in terms of database, you could help me in this project by donating on Paypal:

Each single coin will be spent for this website only and all the expenses will be published on the website pages. Thanks very much for you precious help

In this page I would like also to keep track of a lot of students, which have helped biomedicahelp to host more and more notes and materials and always praise me for all the work. I must thank you for all your help:

Contributors: Marco D'Ottavio, Giusy Chinnici, Lorenzo Alloni, Andrea Della Schiava, Giuditta Salvi, Silvia Achilli,Giacomo Ricci, Francesco Bellavia, Claudia Bellacoscia, Niccolò Rondelli, Leonardo Abbà, Giovanni Bernardi, Claudio Cagninelli, Silvia Gonella, Francesco Crico, Carlo Martinoli, Silvia Caddeo, Maria Cristina Letizia, Luca Corna, Carlo Ceriotti, Marco Clerici, Miriam Rusconi, Giulia Marazzato, Chiara Campiglio, Sara Grisanti, Alice Cambiaghi, Niccolo Ballerio, Benedetto D'Antico, Mirco Baroni, Chiara Bonizzi, Annalisa Aina, Matteo Rezzonico, Francesco Grigoli, Pooja Bellatti, Valentina Bolchini, Giovanni Bennardo, Fabio Pradella, Lorenzo Buriani, Giovanni Palazzo, Federico Pigoli, Silvia Gonella

Only for Italians: La scienza si può apprezzare e manifestare prima di tutto grazie alla condivisione. Da lì tutti quanti possono avere libero accesso all'informazione più puntuale e precisa. Dunque, per ciascuno di noi è possibile avere un solido punto di partenza per costruirsi un senso critico e una cultura. Quindi se anche voi un domani non volete finire nella lista di Stamina, diffondete e promuovete la scienza, sotto qualsiasi forma ( in questo caso appunti, temi d'esame ecc). Sicuramente questo favore verrà poi ricambiato un giorno, ottenendo così non solo un torna conto personale, ma un torna conto "generazionale", con tanta gente in meno che parlerà a vanvera e tanta gente in più che penserà e conterà fino a 10 prima di parlare.